The average elevator button has 1,477x more germs than the average household bathroom door handle and 737x more germs than a household toilet seat.​
-Forbes.com, "The Dirtiest Places In Hotels", Aug 31, 2020
Whatever your destination, your success relies on a good reputation. You want to be somewhere guests dream of going, or love to frequent, and one outbreak can bring unwanted attention to your business and have long-term effects on your bottom line.
With a high volume of foot traffic and often close quarters, infection spread is common and can spread quickly which is bad for business. With the rapid evolution of information access, the hospitality industry has to be more proactive than ever in not only improving upon their current infection control strategies, but finding a solution to prevent it. Prevention is key.
Bacteria moves with us and can be abrasive and harmful to people, surfaces and equipment. With heavy foot traffic and close quarters, hospitality employees and guests are at a heightened risk for contamination. Commonly contaminated surfaces include:
Entry & Exit Points
​Door handles & Faucets
Tables & Countertops
Chairs & Couches
Guest Quarters
Shared Dining Spaces
Public & Private Bathrooms​

The hospitality industry knows first hand that germs spread fast. High exposure areas create a breeding ground for bacteria and infections to grow and spread. Disinfectants can’t keep up. They stop working when they dry and do not provide sufficient protection, leaving you vulnerable to outbreak which could be damaging to your brand. That's where the KLEAN company comes in. Our one of a kind KLEAN solutions create an active barrier that continues to kill bacteria and mold on contact for an extended period of time.

Where you go
Whether your a theme park or movie theater, bacteria is everywhere people are. KLEAN's barrier protection has proven effective on both porous and non-porous surfaces; protecting guests and staff for a minimum of 90 days.

Where you eat
Dr. Charles Gerba, PhD revealed that restaurant tables had double the bacteria count of the diaper changing tables tested. Minimize bacteria spread in kitchen and dining areas. KLEAN solutions are food grade safe for food preparation and storage areas.

Where you sleep
Dangerous bacteria have been found throughout guest rooms, including the phone, carpet, drapes, and remote control. KLEAN solutions offers guests peace of mind every surface is safe touch. Guests get a healthy environment and you protect your brand.​​

In order to maximize results, the KLEAN company recommends the following Infection Control Strategy centered on prevention.
Surface. Apply KLEAN's surface protection to all exposed surfaces 4x year for annual protection.
Hands. Provide KLEAN's hand protactant to guests and staff at all touchpoints through wall units, standing dispensers and individual bottles.
Fabric. Utilize KLEAN's fabric softener on all laundered items such as uniforms, bedding, towels, etc.