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"When the recommended methods, means, and procedures are followed as a matter of routine practice, these results can be achieved in all KLEAN treated healthcare facilities."


-Paul J. Pearce PhD, Specialist in Microbiology,

American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Board of Certification



Healthcare facilities regularly have bacterial outbreaks that affect both patients and staff, as well as presents legal and financial issues for the hospital. Reducing bacterial contamination is a top priority for many Healthcare facilities today. However, the current approach, cleaning with disinfectant alone, is ineffective.


KLEAN's surface protection program was specifically designed to provide continued surface protection against newly introduced bacteria for a minimum of 90 days in high touch areas; presenting a long-term solution for reducing Hospital-acquired infections (HAI). 



Overall Findings

60 days post-application

Pre KLEAN Treatment (3.13.18)- 68% of all samples taken had microorganisms detected, while 32% were found to be free of microorganisms.


Post KLEAN Treatment (5.14.18)- Of the previously positive areas, 87% were found to be free of microorganisms, meaning just 13% of previously positive testing areas continued to show the presence of microorganisms.

The doctors and nurses brainstorm power

Sampling Site 1- ER, Room 19

Exam Light Lamp

Pre KLEAN Treatment (3.13.18)- High level of Bile Tolerant Gram Negative Bacilli detected. 


Post KLEAN Treatment (5.14.18)- 60 days after application there is no specified microorganisms detected. 

Newborn sleeping in hospital crib.jpg

Sampling Site 2- ER, Room 1

Crib/Bed Sheets

Pre KLEAN Treatment (3.13.18)- Bile Tolerant Gram Negative Bacilli and Fungi/Mold detected. 


Post KLEAN Treatment (5.14.18)- 60 days after application there is no specified microorganisms detected. 







A third party study was requested by a premier hospital in the northeast. This study was done at their hospital.  KLEAN was tested in an active hospital environment by an independent microbiologist over the course of 8-weeks in 2018. The hospital wanted to see a quantifiable 15-20% reduction in bacterial contamination levels. They also requested that our applications cause minimal disruptions to the hospital. 


The testing was based on the microbiological evaluation of multiple sampling sites. The KLEAN company and the independent microbiologist designated the study, under the dynamic contact conditions, be PASS/FAIL. This meant if any bacteria were found, it would be considered a failure. After the hospital cleaning crew completed a room, the microbiologist took his samples from random areas. After the samples were taken, the KLEAN solution was applied to the sample areas; performed by the KLEAN company's professional team. 60 days later the microbiologist returned to take new samples. 


Please note; the samples were only taken from sites that had failed the initial test. 


Protocol #1

Hospital SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) was not changed in any way.


Protocol #2

KLEAN was applied once at the very beginning of the 8-week independent study.


Protocol #3

Specific organisms were identified and correlated with the hospital antibiogram.


Protocol #4

Sample collection, processing and testing was conducted according to USP<61><62>, ISO11737, USEPA and USFDA guidelines.


KLEAN's surface solution forms a long-lasting micro biostatic barrier on all treated surfaces (think tables, door knobs, walls, etc). To successfully cover all porous and non-porous surfaces, the KLEAN solution is applied using a variety of foggers and electrostatic sprayers.


Each delivery method has specific advantages over one another, and are often utilized in conjunction with one another. Each team leader is trained on these advantages, and develops a unique application strategy for each customer.


We saw a drastic reduction in bacterial contaminant. Taken 60 days post-treatment, results show KLEAN surface barrier protection is 81% more effective than traditional disinfectant methods. 


The application process proved to be non-disruptive to the hospitals daily routine. The staff simply had to wait 10 minutes for the KLEAN solution to dry before bringing a patient into the treated room.  


The treatment process was 100% safe for staff and patients. KLEAN solutions are non-toxic, alcohol-free, water-based solutions that are safe for people and the environment.

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